With all this great weather we are currently having in the UK its time to make our gardens pretty!
Now I am not particularly green fingered, in so much as I am AKA the plant murderer! I kid you not!
However it doesn't stop me from trying.
Outside the front of the shop I wanted to brighten up the street & so decided to create these awesome chair planters which would be easy to bring in at night.
I think you will agree that they are vibrant and eye catching. They always get people to stop and admire them & so today I am going to explain how I created them so you too can create some awesome planters for your garden.
First stop your local charity shop to find yourself a chair.
We have lots of charity shops here in Carlisle & they always have a stack of suitable chairs for little money.
Once you have your gorgeous chair in your grubby little mitts then you will need a plant pot. It is worth seeing if the charity shop has any whilst you are on chair mission. The plant pot needs to have a rim so that it slots freely into the middle of the chair. I got mine at B&M for £3.
Now you have both your chair and plant pot let the fun begin, or is it be gin??? Both are important factors but don't start on the gin until you are at the painting stage please.
To create the hole you are going to need a drill & a jigsaw.
Start by measuring the diameter of your plant pot. Then you need to find the centre of you seat and mark out the size of the hole required. It needs to be slightly smaller than the widest part of your pot.
Using a drill you need to drill a hole big enough to get the jigsaw blade through and then it is as simple as following the circle you have drawn.
Once the centre is removed you need to sand any rough edges and give the whole chair a rough sand to key the surface for the paint to grab hold of.
Now we are at the best part, the colouring in stage! I am a Frenchic stockist & simply love their paint. The al fresco range is great for outdoors but the lazy range is also fabulous it will just need some tuff top coat on for protection.
I have two of these planters, one is done in Steel Teal (Al Fresco) & the other is Plum Pudding (Lazy Range).